Triomel Portfolio for Nutritional Care (glucose, calcium, lipid emulsion, amino acids & electrolytes)
Information on this page is intended for UK healthcare professionals only.

The Triomel portfolio consists of five olive oil-based parenteral nutrition formulations designed to match the protein and energy needs of patients.
Seriously ill patients and those going through major surgery may require more advanced treatment for disease-related malnutrition, a condition that occurs when a person has experienced a traumatic healthcare event and cannot get adequate nutrients orally or through tube feeding. Studies suggests that protein appears to be an important macronutrient for healing wounds and maintaining lean body mass during these times1. However, not all patients have the same nutritional requirements.
The Triomel portfolio contains a broad selection of formulations in Baxter's triple-chamber system to deliver balanced proteins and glucose required for individual patients. A parenteral nutrition formulation with adequate protein and an olive oil-based lipid emulsion is supported by the European Society of Clinical Nutrition and Metabolism (ESPEN)2.
Different Nutritional Needs
High Stressed Patients
Triomel N12
Baxter's latest generation of Parenteral Nutrition triple-chamber bags, combining a high protein formulation with low glucose content which is designed to match the needs of the critically ill patient. Triomel N12 is also available with and without electrolytes.
Moderately Stressed Patients
Triomel N9
Designed for patients with high protein and low energy demands (e.g., late stage ICU or cancer patients). Triomel N9 is available with and without electrolytes.
Triomel N7
Designed for patients in stable condition with moderate protein and higher energy demands (e.g., patients in recovery). Triomel N7 is available with and without electrolytes.
Low Stressed Patients
Triomel N5
Designed for patients in stable condition with moderate protein and energy demands (e.g., peri-operative patients). Triomel N5 is available with electrolytes.
Triomel N4 – Peripheral
Designed for stable patients that need peripheral deilvery, short-term nutrition solution (e.g., nutritional bridge for patients with no central vein access). Triomel N4 is available with electrolytes.
Micronutrients should be added as a daily dose to all PN prescriptions according to clinical guidelines3, as long as compatibility has been checked.